
We Found the Cutest Cat Paw Cutters for Opening Your Online Shopping Packages

Whether youโ€™re a lover of cats or a collector of cute stationery, youโ€™re guaranteed to adore these adorable mini cutters that are shaped like cat paws that we found on Shopee!

cat paw mini cutter shopee

These art cutters fit snugly on the palm of your hand which makes it feel less intimidating to use compared with a normal-sized one with a longer blade. Because the body of the cutter is stout and thick, it also becomes less likely to slip out of your grip and accidentally cut yourself.

Accessing the blade is also super easy with the switch at the back that you can smoothly slide up and down without worrying about dangerously exposing too much of the blade.

It even has a hole at the side for you to attach straps or charms around to make it even cuter and prettier for your workstation when cutting out photos or stickers for your journals or planners, or to display by your doorstep when youโ€™re ready to open up some packages from your online shopping spree (wink, wink).

Get it now while itโ€™s 29% off!

cat paw mini cutter shopee blade

cat paw mini cutter shopee package

Find more cute stationery on Shopee!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links. The actual color, appearance, size, and shape of the item might be slightly different from the ones showed in the pictures.

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