
Blogging 101: These Bloggers Share Tips And Tricks For Better Content

Does your 2017 resolution have something to do with blogging yet you have no idea what to write and how to push through?

Well, if it seems like youโ€™re already on a blogging hiatus even when you just finished putting up your own site, these tips and tricks shared by well-known lifestyle bloggers will help you jumpstart yours! Pen and paper ready? Here we go.

Kally Araneta

Focus: Style and Lifestyle

Fast Facts: Blogging is just her part-time, and just like the rest of us, she works in an actual office 5 days a week!

Blogging Advice: โ€œWrite about something that you know about or want to know. Itโ€™s okay to research just so you can gather as much information about the topic.โ€

A photo posted by Kally Araneta (@kallyaraneta) on

Vern Enciso

Focus: Travel and Beauty

Fast Facts: Aside from writing articles about travel, life and beauty, Vern and her sister, Verniece, also authored the book called V โค V Style Diary.

Blogging Advice: โ€œAlways write from the heart and what interests you. When youโ€™re faking something, itโ€™ll show in the way you write.โ€

A photo posted by Vern Enciso (@vernenciso) on

Verniece Enciso

Focus: Travel and Beauty

Fast Facts: Verniece is a figure skater on top of being a lifestyle blogger!

Blogging Advice: โ€œBlog what you love and love what you do. This will keep you original and different from everyone.โ€

Jerro Santos

Focus: Food

Fast Facts: Aside from handling Gourmanila, Jerro is also a copywriter, marketer and a social media consultant.

Blogging Advice: โ€œStick to a few formats. Format is an important aspect of blogging because it serves as unique signature of your blog. It does not have to be completely different. Come up with a few formats, like reviews, features, top-10 listicles, and stick with those format on a regular schedule. This way, your readers will be able to anticipate the kind of content you will release on a certain day.โ€

That’s it! Hope you guys learned a thing or two about blogging! <3

Do you also blog? Share your blog links in the comments.