
Apophenia: A Multimedia Portfolio Exhibit


The Multimedia Arts Class of A406C will be holding an exhibit entitled โ€œApopheniaโ€ on March 17 โ€“ 19 2017 at Design Center of the Philippines, CCP Building, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Metro Manila.

Exhibits like this are being held annually by graduating students as part of their fulfillment for the course, Multimedia Arts Design Production and Portfolio Exhibit, which showcase each studentโ€™s talents, skills and expertise they all have gained through the 4 years learning the course. This time, the class of A406C exposes their esoteric side as they let you see and experience what it is like inside their creative mindย  on how they view the things around us – differently and lets you ask the question: โ€œwhat do you see?โ€

In lieu of the theme and description, โ€œApophenia,โ€ the class lets out their wild creativity while applying their deep thoughts, memories, and their illusionary perceptions through their artwork. This brings out oneโ€™s intuitiveness as we see and experience a new, different vision and message from even the simple designs, images and artwork. Apophenia spontaneously perceives oneโ€™s tendency to seek patterns or thoughts from various unrelated, random phenomena, images, and misperception of information then connects them into forming a message or an illusion in which something clear and distinct exist from nothing, wWhether it may be a dream or a reality.

Apophenia –ย  An A406C Portfolio Exhibit of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Manila is in partnership with Design Center of the Philippines. We would like to thank the

We would like to thank the following:

Official Sponsors: D&D Custom Guitars and Pulp Magazine

Official Media Partners: ClickTheCity, WhenInManila.com, Support Local Indie Scene and Ilustrados; Special thanks to Beanleaf.

To know more about the details on the upcoming event, please visit our Official Facebook Page www.facebok.com/Apophenia.lpu/mnl

The Exhibit will be open to the public on March 18 and 19 at 1:00pm-9:00pm. We hope to see you all there!