A Month for Introspection for All Signs: Here’s Your Horoscope for December 2019

This is it. We’re at the last month of 2019. There is a collective message in the stars for all signs this month, mostly involving our relationships with people, our partners, and above all, ourselves. Those who are yearning for financial gains will also be happy to hear that many signs can expect luck in the money department this month.

What else? Read on below to find out what the stars have in store for you this moth. This is your horoscope for the month of December 2019.

ALSO READ: Here’s What Your Love Life Has in Store for You this 2019, According to Your Horoscope

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

It’s your time to shine, Sagittarius! This season, the spotlight is on you and the different aspects that make your life. This month, you might be feeling that desire to focus on your personal resources, and if you put enough attention to it, may bear fruit. This is also a time to connect with friends, mingle, and inspire the people around you with your unique view of life.

But have you been experiencing troubles or little quarrels with your partner? If so, the key is remember to keep calm and not deal with the situation with hostility and put love in the center of your actions.

As for career and work, some opportunities might be on the way to you, but that will need you to momentarily step out of your comfort zone. But as always, if you do the work, the benefits will be yours as well.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Have you been burdened with problems and worries lately, Capricorn? If there are some issues in your personal life, work, or in your relationships that have been bothering you, just do the best that you can and remember that all things pass, no matter how heavy it might feel right now. Keep in mind as well that helping hands are always available in the form of your friends, family, and partner. Don’t be afraid to ask for support if you need it.

Aside from that, this month is also looking to be a good time to let go of whatever burdens you are still carrying from the past, and finally end this year with a clean slate, ready to face another year and another decade. A much better future awaits.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

This December, the focus is on the personal aspects of your life—health, career, life direction, and most importantly, healing. So this is a good time to turn your attention to these aspects of your life. We’re at the last month of the year, after all, and so it is an ideal period for retrospection and self-assessment. Are you taking are of these areas of your life? Or is there something you need to pay attention to and care for?

You might feel a little bit of doubt and some insecurities here and there, but remember to do all things with love and the universe will reward you. Love is always the way to find yourself through.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20)

Pisces, this last month of 2019, the focus is on your career and goals in life. It is good practice to re-align every once in a while and check if your actions are in the course to achieving your goals, both personally and professionally. Whatever your choices and decisions are now will set the tone for the next year and years to come and could bring you bigger and better gains.

If there are some current issues in your relationships, whether with family, friends, or your partner, proper communication is key. But remember to always do so in a peaceful, kind, and understanding manner. No issue can ever be resolved well with hostility. Remember that these are your people.

Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19)

There is a lot of energy surrounding your sign this month, Aries, and it will be totally up to you how to harness that and turn it into good things that can benefit you not just now but throughout the coming new year. You have been going through a period of transformation; and though it may make you feel uncertain and worried at times, remember to look at this as a period of learning as well. There are lessons to be learned that will be of benefit to you, especially in the matters of money and personal values.

Try to operate and see these challenges with a clear mind and vision.

Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20)

Your hard work in the past and this entire year has been paying off, Taurus. And the trend continues this month of December as your resources and income are placed under the spotlight. Luck seems to be on your side.

However, work might prove to be more challenging in the weeks to come, if it isn’t already. The work load might get busier or more intense. But, as with any challenge, this experience could be good for you, and might event bring positive results that will be beneficial for you in the long run.

All in all, life has been good and is in a steady, uphill trend. Don’t forget to be thankful.

More readings on the next page!