
7 Types Of Guys You Will Meet In Your Life

3. The One You Were Never Meant To Be With

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There are just people you meet who you end up sharing a connection with– you feel light whenever you’re with them, they always manage to brighten up your day no matter what, and you justย understand each other on a different level– but can never end up together, because life doesn’t allow you to have everything you want. Maybe it’s just a matter of wrong timing, or maybe both of you were taken when you met, or maybe there are things that just happen that you don’t end up working out together. Sometimes you wonder, if you met earlier, or if things in your life had gone a certain way then maybe both of you would have had a chance, but things happen for a reason, and there are those that fall in their respective places.ย Maybe the world is too big to have a shortage of amazing people, andย there can only be room for one. And sadly, it’s not him.


2. The Guy You End Up Hurting Anyway

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At some point in our lives, we’re not the only ones getting hurt– like it or not, we also end up doing the hurting to some degree. For every guy that has ignored your existence, there is that rare gem who sees you for the beauty that you are, whether you’re in your skirt and high heels, or when you’ve just woken up in the morning, messy bedhead and all. The catch is– you’re not attracted to him, but he’s there in your life: maybe because he’s your best friend (see above), or because he’s a guy who feeds your ego and showers you with attention that you’re not able to get from your objects of affection… whether we’re aware of it or not. As they say, “It’s not you, it’s me”.


1. The One

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After the roller-coaster of emotions and exploring the field, you find “The One”. “The One” may or may not have washboard abs, probably dances like a chimp when he’s overjoyed with happiness and has all sorts of little quirks like eating burgers in a round motion or bites his lip when he’s nervous; but all of these combined is what makes him your “The One” and yours alone. Even with a few pesky arguments here and there, you know that nothing else beats the feeling when you’re with him, because being with him feels like home. And there’s no place you’d rather be.

Found The One? Have you had weird, funny, or unforgettable dating experiences?? Share them with us using the hashtag #DadatingDinYan!