Want to rock those bold, statement lips? Here are five tips to put your lippie game on and help it last long, streak-free.
5. Use a lip liner before smacking on that lipstick to keep it in place.ย This age-old trick is timeless. Line and fill your lips in with lip liner not only helps the color go on smoothly, but it locks it in, preventing smears or “bleeding”.
4. Place lip gloss in the middle of your lips to give the illusion of plumper, bigger lips.ย This brings focus to the center of your lips, making them appear fuller. Also, glossy = bigger, matte = smaller.
3. Take off excess lipstick and avoid stains on your teeth by sucking on a (clean!) pointer finger in your mouth and pulling it out! The excess lipstick will be on your finger afterwards.
2. Make your lips appear fuller by covering your lips with concealer and drawing a little outside your natural lip line with lip liner. Fill in the rest of your lips afterwards then finish with a matte or glossy lippie.
1. Want long-wearing lipstick? Get your tissue and transluscent powder ready.ย Applyย your lipstick as usual, then put a tissue over your lips. Dust transluscent powder over the tissue lightly, with the tissue acting as a sort of “filter” so you don’t put too much. This will lock in the vibrant color for longer. Don’t apply powderย directly over your lips as it will give off a slight white tint, altering your lip color.
Got any other lip tricks to share with us? Let us know!