It’s February again–a month the single and hopeful find themselves utterly bitter towards (while hoping to) finding “the one,” and a month joyed by happy couples as “the love month.” For long-distance couples, however, it’s a little bit of both.
LDR relationships are no longer a rare sight; with internet such an accessible commodity nowadays and the rise of online dating apps like “Tinder” and “Hinge,” meeting your other half from across the world is as easy as a right swipe.
But keeping an LDR relationship alive and kicking is no easy feat, and the lack of actual presence can drive a good LDR relationship down to the ground if not handled properly. So, we’ve listed down some unusual gadgets for LDR couples to help them get that intimate presence, especially in this love-filled month of February!
5. Kissenger
The “kissenger” is a rather unusual gadget that simulates an actual kiss through the use of a pair of robots. The two devices supposedly provides “the convincing properties of the real kiss.” The device has thee modes: human to human tele-kiss that allows a kiss between two people; human to robot kiss for those who prefer kissing robots; and human to virtual character for gamers or those with anime “waifus” or “husbandos.”
4. Pillow talk
“Pillow Talk” helps reduce the feeling of longing when going to sleep by letting LDR couples hear each other’s heartbeat while on the bed. It sends the sound of your real-time heartbeat to a speaker under your partner’s pillow, giving you and your partner an intimate moment before going to bed even when you’re apart.
3. Couple App
“Couple” isn’t exactly a gadget, but it requires the use of a smartphone, so I’m tagging it here. Essentially, “Couple” is a social-media app made specifically for couples: you can chat, send photos and videos, do video calls, even send them drawings, and…
do “thumb holding”.
2. Taion Heart
This one is another gadget that helps you “hold” your partner from across the globe: The “Taion Heart.” This small device presumably mimics the sensation of holding hands by sending hand pressure, temperature, and pulse to your partner’s device. By squeezing the Taion Heart, data from your hand is transmitted to your smartphone, which is then sent to your partner’s device and the data is mimicked in the other Taion Heart. The Taion Heart also changes color according to how it interprets your vitals. Interesting, right?
1. Hug Shirt
With the Hug Shirt, virtual hugs can be turned into real hugs. it works a lot like the Taion Heart and have sensors built in the shirt to feel the strength, duration, location of the touch, skin warmth, and the heart rate of the sender and recreate the sensation to the Hug Shirt of your partner.