
2010 Philippine Pinoy Expats/ OFW Blog Awards (PEBA)

Iโ€™m a big supporter of the Philippine Expat Blog Awards (PEBA) and of Global Filipinos in general. I understand the sacrifices that they make to help better themselves and their family situations.

With that said, I am again supporting and promoting the 2010 Pinoy Expats Blog Awards (PEBA)!

you know you re filipino when from philippines youre manny pacquiao pcaman

The 2010 Philippine Expat / OFW Blog Awards (PEBA)

This is an event to celebrate Filipino expats living overseas / abroad. The overseas foreign workers are heroes to the Philippines. These expatriates become foreigners as a sacrifice for their families and for their country. Please join us at this event that will be held sometime in December to honor the bloggers among them who share their stories of trials and triumphs.

For more info, check out their website here.

To further support the 2010 Pinoy Expats / OFW Blog Awards, hereโ€™s a short list to help you recognize global Pinoys!

Below are the top 10 ways to recognize and spot Filipinos, no matter where in the world you are.

These are the top 10 ways to know you are a Filipino / Pinoy or are from the Philippines.

Top 10 Ways to Know Youโ€™re a Filipino

10. You carefully unwrap Christmas presents or birthday gifts so you can reuse the gift wrappers next time.


9. Your luggage is a โ€œBalikbayanโ€ box (huge shipping boxes).


8. You wrap EVERYTHING in plastic: books, furniture, cell phones, carsโ€ฆ hell, you even wrap your plastic in plastic!

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7. You eat duck embryo or balut.


Photo from https://seralulalu.wordpress.com

6. You understand Pn0i Txt msgs. Ktnxbye.

MGNDang gbI P0Wh. Mzt N u? mIsz nA KITa sobRA. wLa NG iBNg bbE na CzeNg gNdA m. D2 aq nDe tK0t Ssbhn q xa U na wLa p0Wh aQ mMHliN NA ibng ba2e. U, mhl U bA Aq? kTnxBye

Tita Grly m 2. wLA aq xa BhY. D2 aq sa PEBA. W8 q u. kSMA Q na tito boy m at SiNa bongbOng, jUnjuN, jinjin, BmBm, noYNOY, lenLen, KrINgkRiNG, NeNe, annNN, JOJO, tiNtin, pEPeโ€ฆ.


5. You react whenever you hear “Psssst!”


4. The letters P and F are the same.

โ€œSir, da froject if pinish. I just need a fish of fafer and dat would be ferpect fohโ€ฆ ktnxbyeโ€

3. Your nickname is a repetition (Bongbong, JunJun, Tintin etc.).

3.5. You have an Uncle Boy or Auntie Girly (or even an Auntie Baby).


2. You point with your lips.

Pinoy GPS


1. No matter how famous, rich or successful you areโ€ฆ You just wanna sing some karaoke

So sing along. You know you want to.

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This top 10 ways to spot a Filipino list and the video were shown at the 2009 Philippine Pinoy Expat / OFW Blog Awards (PEBA) held in the PhilAm Life Theatre on December 27, 2009 to honor the hardworking Filipinos from all over the world who have come home to spend time during the holiday / Christmas season with their families in the Philippines.

WheninManila.com is a media partner.

One Response

  1. Ernesto Soon November 7, 2010