13 perfect reactions to the question “how’s your thesis?”

Ah, yes. It’s thesis season. I can already smell the coffee and the tear-stained pages.

There’s nothing quite like overcoming the hurdle that is a thesis. Finally finishing that last indent in your bibliography and having the entire thing bound is such a cathartic, rewarding experience that it almost makes the entire experience pretty fond. But when you’re still in the middle of all that writing and researching, it doesn’t feel fond at all.

While many of us have been there and done that, many are also finding themselves still in the middle of it all, typing up paragraph after paragraph late at night and scouring our libraries for sources. It’s a crazy ride, for sure! Here are the 13 perfect reactions for when people ask: “Musta thesis?”

When you’re still on that Black Panther high and relate so hard.

Kapit lang, brain cells. Thesis it. It’s almost over.

The biggest mood.


Thank you, sumisigaw na ibon. It’s very sweet. When you’re feeling like being supportive of other people who are currently suffering, too.


Food is the solution. If only we all looked as beautiful as Emma Stone even when crying.


Mina crying? Me na rin.


When defending isn’t enough.


When you’re running out of time and options.


Preparation for the heart as well as the mind.


Well… it’s not wrong.


When your mom knows what’s up.


When you’re thinking up scenarios about your thesis defense rather than… writing your thesis.

When someone disrespects you by asking that question at all and you wanna burn them right back.

How about you? How’s your thesis? 😉 Let us know!