10 Types of Students You’ll Come Across During Finals Week

Finals week may be over, but people are still sharing their horror stories about the ordeal. I hope you did not miss taking some picture guns to blackmail your friends when everyone was swamped with caffeine and broken dreams. Joke, but not really. Here are some of the people you may have come across during finals week:

10 Types of Students You’ll Come Across During Finals Week

10. The Ninja

Finals 1

This one is a lazy bum. They doodle portraits of your blockmates in accounting class, are too lazy to transfer to Fine Arts because of the requirements, and only has one expression: gazing deep into space. This one still gets a perfect score, though – one ninja out of you frantic zombies.

Common line: None. Still sleeping.

9. The Zen Dean’s Lister

Finals 2

This one makes people rethink their lives. They are asked by peers bleary-eyed from breakdowns: “how to be u po.” They serve as the scriptwriter in your group for your TV production class by day and the keyboard player in Route 196 by night. However, if they were to choose between a reflection paper on the respiratory system and you asking for help, they would drop everything to bring you some Doritos and watch some Netflix.

8. The Grind


Finals 3

The Vice President of the Chinoy community does volunteer work, but is also the party person of Tarlac. Everything’s bustling in their life.

Most common line: “Ha-ha-ha-ah.”

7. The Happy Pill


Finals 4

This one looks through the rose-tinted window, ignoring the bars, checks out good-looking people in the hallway in their spare time, does staff work for the Student Council, and even sells crinkles.

Common line: “HASHTAG KAYA NATIN ‘TO! Crinkle?”

6. The Sylvia Path

Finals 5

Their pain is not romanticized. They study and swear, and don’t sleep, but still singko.

Read the next page for more!