Top 5 things you should leave behind for the New Year

WhenInManila, let’s face it, it’s a new year and a start of those new year’s resolutions that you might just procrastinate until the end of the year again. It’s a new year and the start of new challenges and new outlooks in life and your career. So what else should we be talking about then? There’s that never ending talk about new year’s resolutions that most will surely half bake. Specifically those who plan to go on a diet, but already broke it a week into the year hehe! There’s that new long lists of goals that you wish to fulfill, which is crazy because a year is not enough for some of the lucrative things most of us write. Yeah, it’s not that easy to get a raise or find a better job, moreover putting up a business. Remember that. Kidding aside, what should we really be talking about for the new year? Well, here’s my take on what we should REALLY be talking about for 2013, the top 5 things we should leave along with 2012:





5. Your Weight – Seriously brooo/gurrl, when will you ever really do that New Year’s resolution? We’ve heard so many of our friends plan to go on a diet and get fit for the coming year, but what really does happen? They pay their first month for the gym and end up working-out for a single month. They plan to go on a diet on the coming weekday and end up repeating the same old tag line “I promise I’ll start tomorrow”. Tomorrow? You’ve been saying that for weeks! Same old routine as last year. So if you plan to get fit, then do it before your body decides otherwise. I’d rather be healthy and live longer than have a problem with my health in the long run, you know.



4. Family/Friends/Relationships/Co-worker Issues – Let’s face it, some of us have this. May it be a family member, a friend, lover or former lover and even possibly a co-worker, we can all patch this up. I dunno how you could plan about going this, possibly a simple gift with a note, just avoiding any additional issues and moving on, having a small chat. Whatever way you plan on patching this up or forgetting about  it, one word to keep it all straight, MOVE ON!



3. Your Garbage – Yes, you heard that right, garbage. Funny as to how it sounds, but have you ever realized how many useless boxes you have lying around your home and un-needed or broken things you’re keeping just to take so much space and dirt up? I’m JOKING! I mean, CLEAN UP YOUR ACT. If you have unfinished business at the office, things pilling up that you should have finished already, well it’s pretty much time for you to CLEAN UP YOUR ACT if you want a proper 2013 before you create additional problems for yourself. STOP PROCRASTINATING! If though you don’t have these things on your plate, yet still feel on the negative side of things with your career or whatever you’re pursuing or doing, I guess it’s time to reflect on what you really want in life and CLEAN UP YOUR ACT! Choose what you want, and do what you want. Don’t enslave yourself in garbage. Go find your own treasure.



2. Your Negativity – Leave it! Just… just stop and leave it. You ain’t going anywhere with all that negativity. It’s pretty similar to gravitational pull, you’re going nowhere unless you get out of it yourself. It’s a brand new year, look up and move forward. Plan new goals and reach for them, don’t let anything stop you from doing what you want in your own life and your own goals. It’s your life anyways, who are they to control you right? So stop letting negativity control you as well. As to what Dory would say, just keep swimming!



1. Holding Yourself Back – No matter what people say, no matter what happens, it’s a new year. 2013 is another whole year for us to make stories, take on new adventures, explore new places, battle new challenges, and another step for change and life. No matter what happens, all we have to do is just put our best foot forward… ALWAYS. No matter what difficulty or endeavor we dive into 2013, there’s always only 2 choices that we could suit to face them. Either we hold back or keep putting our best foot forward. Do you want to waste another year full of regrets? If we put our best foot forward as often as we can, at least we can say that we did our best even through failure. No regrets there. It’s a new year, it’s a reminder that our life is moving forward. It should always remind us to do our best since time won’t stop, nor turn back for us to redo everything we lacked working hard for. So whatever happens, keep your best foot forward and leave holding yourself back in 2012.





Happy Holidays!





Top 5 things you should leave behind for the New Year