Take it from the FBI: Cover your Laptop Cameras for Security

A few months ago, a photo of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sitting in front of his laptop went viral when people noticed that he covered his laptop camera with a tape. Even his laptop microphone is covered, too. This is one the most influential people in the digital world we’re talking about. And a genius, no less. So people got to asking: is Zuckerberg on to something? Should we be covering our laptop cameras as well?

READ: Mark Zuckerberg Covers His Webcam with Tape…Should You Do It, Too?

Mark Zuckerberg laptop camera cover

But in this recent statement by FBI Director James Comey, our questions were somehow answered. Yes, cover your laptop cameras when not in use. For your own protection.

Even though you’re not a high-profile individual, looking after your own cybersecurity has become a must now for everyone who uses the internet. You can just never tell who might be spying you, or attempting to cross your online security. Don’t doubt it–it is quite easy for cyberhackers to access your laptop camera without you knowing.

So whether you think you might be at risk or not, there is no harm in safety precautions. Take it from Zuckerberg and the FBI–do cover your laptop cameras.

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