Soon, You Can Tweet Up to 10,000 Characters

Soon, You Can Tweet Up to 10,000 Characters

As they say, brevity is the soul of wit, which probably explains the appeal of Twitter, a social media website that only allows you to post updates in 140 characters or less. It forces you to stick to the meat of the matter, or only the essentials.

But that may soon change as Twitter is testing options to allow users to tweet up to 10,000 characters.

Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s co-founder and CEO, confirmed the news on (a lengthy) tweet of his own. According to him:

“We didn’t start Twitter with a 140 character restriction. We added that early on to fit into a single SMS message. We’ve spent a lot of time observing what people are doing on Twitter, and we see them taking screenshots of text and tweeting it. We’re not going to be shy about building more utility and power into Twitter for people.

To date, the plan is to just show the first 140 characters of the tweet, then let users expand the tweet to see the rest of the message. The current plan is to launch it this quarter.

Should Twitter keep its 140 character limit or is 10,000 characters a good idea? Share your thoughts below!