RIO 2: More Laughs, More Adventure, and A Whole Lot of Fun

RIO 2: More Laughs, More Adventure, and A Whole Lot of Fun


If you enjoyed watching the first Rio film, you’ll definitely enjoy watching Rio 2. Just like the first film, we once again find our hero Blu (voiced by Jesse Eisenberg) trying to save his species, but this time, in the green Amazon forest. 

Rio 2 (1)

Along with his wife Jewel (voiced by Anne Hathaway), their three children Carla, Bia, and Tiago, and the trio from Rio Nico, Pedro and Rafael; Blu flies 2000 miles away from their home in Rio de Janeiro after Linda (Blu’s life-long human friend and caretaker) and her husband Tulio find other blue Macaws in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

Rio 2 (2)

Blu undergoes another heavy culture shock (similar to the first Rio film) as he tries his best to fit in with the amazon flock which, coincidentally, is headed by Jewel’s father Eduardo.

Aside from trying to impress Eduardo (who dislikes humans because of an accident prior to the Rio film), he competes with Jewel’s childhood friend Roberto (voiced by none other than Bruno Mars) who obviously has a thing for jewel.

Nigel (the evil yet funny cockatoo from the first film) ruturns to trouble Blu, this time with his companions Charles, a silent anteater and Gabi, a “poisonous” frog that has fallen deeply in love with Nigel.

Rio 2

Compared to the first film, Rio 2 has a more adventurous plot. Exploring the amazon forest, Blu finds himself away from his comfort zone in the city and in a green forest full of “icky bugs”, trying to save the Amazon forest from pesky illegal loggers.

Rio 2 also has a lot more humor compared to the first film. On top of Blu’s socially awkward personality, the capoeira turtles and Blu’s oddly calibrated GPS (that would guide you to funky town or to a sushi dinner in Tokyo) add a good mix of laughter.

One aspect of the Rio 2 film that really got me hooked was the music – that upbeat, brazilian pop rhythm can really get you in high spirits. And Rio 2 offers a great number of musical performances from beginning to end, as well.

So, if you’re looking for a film to enjoy with kids, or maybe just want to get away from the everyday cityscape, Rio 2 will be worth your while.


Rio 2 is now showing in Philippine cinemas nationwide.



RIO 2: More Laughs, More Adventure, and A Whole Lot of Fun