Quest Teaches Us To Move On With “Unang Hakbang”

Quest made us all weep with his heartbreaking song Walang Hanggan, which made everyone feel like they’ve loved and lost as well. But while pieces of our shattered hearts are still scattered on the floor, the Filipino singer has made it clear that Walang Hanggan is just the beginning.

The heartbreaking song is just the first of a three-part series of songs of love and life.

(RELATED: Songs for the Rainy Season: QUEST — Walang Hanggan)

Just last month, Quest released a raw recording of the second part of this trilogy: Unang Hakbang, and it’s the perfect follow-up to a song like Walang Hanggan.

Listen to it here:

Quest collaborates with indie artist Keiko Necesario in this song about taking the first step to moving on.

So, no, life doesn’t end after Walang Hanggan. Quest teaches us that we can always get up even after life throws us down. The song is filled with one-liners that are honestly enough to pick you up from that pit of misery.

He’s that good.

The music video to this song is set to be released soon. And I definitely can’t wait to put this new song of hope on repeat for the rest of the year.

What did you think of this song? Share it with us!