Photo Comparing Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela Deaths Anger Interweb Users

Photo Comparing Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela Deaths Anger Interweb


A photo comparing the recent deaths of Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela has angered many internet users. 

In the photo, the text reads:


“If you’ve spent the last five days mourning the death of this man (points to photo of Paul Walker), for no reason beyond the fact that he was an actor and celebrity,

But you don’t have a clue who this man was (points to photo of Nelson Mandela), his contribution to history, or the role he played in bettering the lives of millions;

Then YOU are, without question, part of what is WRONG with the world.”


What are your thoughts on this? 


Photo Comparing Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela Deaths Angers Interweb


What are your thoughts on this photo and opinion? Stupid? True? Stupid but true? 


Photo Comparing Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela Deaths Anger Interweb