Mar Muerto: A Celebration of Life Under the Sea 

by Cherie Canoy

04Mar Muerto Main Poster 1

We may portray dead sea as deep, dark and cold, but underneath are creatures that thrive to survive. The colors that have long been forgotten shine and reflect the beauty of the surface below. Maybe it is time to bring the fairness of their world to ours.


It has become part of the culture of the junior Advertising Art students to have their annual fashion show before the end of their semester. This year, the theme “Mar Muerto” is a combination of the underwater kingdom and the day of the dead festival. Students want to bring the beauty of these two topics – the lightness and brilliance of the sea and the astonishing details of the day of the Dead festivity.

Students from 3AD6 Events Management Class began organizing the event at the start of the semester and made every suggestion possible. The fashion show will happen at the University of Santo Tomas – Beato Angelico Façade on May 3, 2018, from 5 pm to 9 pm. There will be a total of 5 categories that will be showcased during the show: casual wear, resorts wear, short formal wear, long formal wear, and bridal entourage. 9 designers will show casual wear, 7 designers with resorts wear, 11 designers with short formal wear, 26 designers will work on long formal wear, and 3 designers to showcase bridal gowns. Audiences are expected to surpass their basic understanding of the dead sea and the life below.

Designing something takes a long process that is why we should not only praise the designers when they do better but celebrate their progress as well. After a semester of hard work, the Fashion Show Class is ready to present their designs.