LOOK: Twilight “Reimagined!!”

Anyone miss Twilight??

Twilight Reimagined Life and Death

Well apparently, everyone’s favorite vampire novel is celebrating its 10th anniversary!!

To celebrate its tenth year, author Stephenie Meyer is releasing… *drumroll*… a re-release of Twilight! And it comes with a twist: it’s a gender-swapped version.

The alternate novel, entitled “Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined”, Stephenie Meyer writes her famous story, but now from a male perspective: Bella is now Beau Swan, who moves to Forks, Washington, and meets not Edward, but Edythe Cullen.

Part of the reason Stephenie swapped the genders in the novel was in response to criticism that Bella was a “damsel in distress” in her famous trilogy.

“I wonder if it will change how people look at Bella a little bit, to see her as him,” Stephenie Meyer said.

Twilight Reimagined Life and Death 10th anniversary

What do you think of this new Twilight novel?! Are you looking forward to this?