How to Make a Green Veggie Smoothie: Super Charged SuperFood Grocer Recipe

How to Make a Green Veggie Smoothie: Super Charged SuperFood Grocer Recipe


It’s time to make a change… a lifestyle change! Time to feel better about the food you eat and the stuff you put into your body!

It’s time to try SUPER FOODS from the Superfood Grocer!

In case you’re not familiar, here’s some info on that –


SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (38 of 52)

 Healthiest steak I’ve ever cut


Now that you’re ready to change your lifestyle for the better, here’s a quick guide on how to make a super charged SuperFood green veggie smoothie!


3 step guide on how to make your own green veggie smoothie!


Energizing Banana Mango Green Smoothie by #thesuperfoodgrocer @thesuperfoodgrocer

 The ideal smoothie to prepare you for another busy work week!


> 1 mango

> 1 banana

> a handful of Kangkong

> 1/2 cup cold water or (buko juice)

> 4-5 pcs ice cubes > 1 tsp Malunggay powder (nature’s all-around superfood)

> 1 tsp Coconut Sugar (nature’s nutrient-rich low GI sweetener)

> 1/2 tsp Organic Maca Power (energy Booster,deeper sleep,faster recovery)


Procedure: Place all ingredients in blender then blend til smooth. Serve immediately. 


1. Find a recipe you like on and get your ingredients ready

SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (29 of 52)

SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (30 of 52)

SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (31 of 52)



2. Stuff the ingredients into a blender

2.1 – BLEND!

SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (42 of 52)

SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (39 of 52)


3. Drink up!

SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (45 of 52)

SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (46 of 52)


Yup, it’s really that easy!


SuperFood Grocer When in Manila Vince Golangco Mae Ilagan (49 of 52)

Green Veggie Smoothie: Super Charged SuperFood Grocer Recipe


That’s banana + mango + fresh kangkong + Supercharged with Superfoods: Maca Power, (stress adaptogen, energy, deeper sleep, faster recovery from workout) Malunggay (all-around Philippine Superfood), Camu Camu Berry (highest natural Vitamin C on the planet, up to 30-60x more than oranges), Spirulina (highest natural protein source, high in antioxidants), and optional Coconut Sugar (low glycemic, low calorie, nutrient-rich, pure, natural sweetener) if fruits are sour. Loaded with Superpowers. Plus if you want, for a milky flavor, you can also add a dose of organic vanilla Hemp Brown Rice Protein


Photos by Mae Ilagan.

Order your super foods from the Super Food Grocer here –

UPDATE! Enter the code WHENINMANILA  to get a 5% discount on all Superfood Starterpack purchases during check out at their site! 


We started The Superfood Grocer because we realized that there is important knowledge — knowledge that can save our loved ones — that needs to be shared.

We are here to wake you up, arm you with knowledge, and empower you to choose to become your strongest, healthiest, most vibrant selves — for yourself and your loved ones.

We believe in achieving the highest form of health, bursting with life and energy, free from sickness, lethargy, and imbalance.

We shed light on the need to add nutrient-rich, plant-based, whole foods to our daily diet, to supply our body with what it needsto thrive, to boost life, to heal and maintain itself, and to fight what we have accepted as “normal” — low energy, difficulty sleeping, difficulty getting up in the morning, constant cravings, unmanageable weight gain, dull and aging skin, low immunity, depression, and eventual serious diseases pegged to “old age” (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, among others), which are actually more of the outcome of misinformed daily decisions on diet and lifestyle accumulated over time.

We believe that life is too precious and that no one should ever suffer from sickness unnecessarily, if only they had the knowledge and the privilege of choice. We emphasize on addressing the cause today vs. cure someday.

Whether you’re young or old, in the best of health or the worst of it, physically active or a couch potato – We’re here to tell you that it can be done. And it should be done. There’s no better way to live than to have a strong, vibrant, healthy body in fighting form — regardless of age, weight, or any other starting point.

Power up! Choose to live a Super life. Let us show you how. 

From Ralph & Carmela – The Superfood Grocer


Order your super foods from the Super Food Grocer here –

UPDATE! Enter the code WHENINMANILA  to get a 5% discount on all Superfood Starterpack purchases during check out at their site! 


How to Make a Green Veggie Smoothie: Super Charged SuperFood Grocer Recipe