Final Fantasy VII is Now Available on iOS!!!

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about my dismay that a remake of Final Fantasy VII was in the works. I ranted and complained because I was hoping for a remaster instead of a remake in order to keep the charm and the beauty of the original game and soundtrack intact.

Well, it is as if the Final Fantasy gods themselves read my article because get this: the original game in all of its old school glory is now available for download on iOS and THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!! Hallelujah!!! XD

final fantasy vii ios

The Final Fantasy VII app was released for iOS devices on August 19, 2015, and I have never been happier! While it did take me a while to get used to the directional “buttons” in the gameplay, everything else is still exactly the way I remembered it to be almost two decades ago.

Yes, you actually have to wait until you reach a Save point before you can save your game and yes, there is a chance that your siblings will overwrite your game if you download the game on all of your devices at home because it costs $15 and your siblings still won’t pay that much for a game even though they are now in their mid-20s. :p

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Still, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

There is one new tweak to the iOS version, though: you can turn off random encounters! This would be a god-send for those people who are legitimately looking for something but can’t enjoy the search because they keep running into enemies. Haha.

Are you a Final Fantasy VII baby, too? Have you downloaded it yet? Share your thoughts with us! 🙂