Escolta Market: Finding Vintage Mementos in the Heart of Manila

Escolta Market Hey Kessy                                Escolta Polarities

Young entrepreneurs also took the opportunity to sell their goods to the art-loving crowd. 

Escolta Market Stall

In addition to knick knacks, planners, totes and journals dominate most stalls. These items are handcrafted and painted. Aside from being beautiful, they are durable as well.

 The kids will have something to appreciate too…

Escolta Stuffed toys


These comic stuffed toys and pouches will make a cute companion to your kids.

At last but definitely not the least…

   Escolta Market Books    Books


Lastly, the ones that I anticipate every visit and probably my most favorite things in the world: Books.

As a book collector, my initial reaction upon setting foot in the market was to look for books, classical or contemporary. I had my eyes set out in the different corners of the room. It was a complex search but in the end I was able to purchase some worthy finds at very affordable price (new additions to my own bauls).

Every visit to the flea market is always an ecstatic experience for me; it never failed to bring excitement. I was unaware that Escolta had such rich and historical past, what I saw in the old photographs was far from the present scenario, long gone were the elegant architecture, no more were the elegantly dressed Filipinos strolling in the streets. These items are important mementos of those times

As I finish another round of shopping ,  I leave not only with my books or trinkets but also little pieces of our beautiful past.

If you want to sell your stuff or  interested in going to the market, check out 98B’s facebook page for schedules and updates.


 Escolta Market: Finding Vintage Mementos in the Heart of Manila