Coby Smiles Again – Thank You for Your Support!

Coby Smiles Again – Thank You for Your Support!


If you’ve read our previous posts about the movement #CobyStrong we’re happy to announce that Coby is now home in Manila and recovering really quickly. 

During the first week of June, Coby was declared well and was allowed to go home with his mom and dad.


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He is a happy, jumpy, funny, cute little baby once again.


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He is a living miracle, his parents tell us.


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With very little chances of living when last diagnosed with chronic liver failure, Coby survived a liver transplant and a second operation for clogged arteries in a span of 2 weeks.


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Now at 9 months, Coby needs to get checked up every once in a while to make sure his recovery is full and well. His immune system will not be as that of normal people, but he is alive and fighting.


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The Parents of Coby, Emer and Lea would like to thank everyone for their support, donations, prayers and encouragements and, in turn, will keep the FB page Hope for Coby alive in order to help other kids with similar illnesses. 



Coby Smiles Again – Thank You for Your Support!