5 Advantages of Being a Scriptwriter in the Philippines Today

by Gione Pagdanganan

Making a script is not easy. Creating a screenplay requires a lot of patience, hard work, and tenacity. Most of us only see the final product on screen, but behind the crisp editing, superb production design, and superlative acting, there is a backbone and important element of filmmaking—scriptwriting.

Let’s take a look back on what changes have occurred, plus the things that are in store now for scriptwriting in the Philippines. Here are five advantages of being a scriptwriter in the modern age:

Advanced equipment

In the past, it was difficult to make a name in the film and television industry as a scriptwriter. But with the advancement of video equipment, you can now easily showcase a story to the world because of the power of new media. In this age, you can be your own writer, director, producer, cameraman, and more.

Scriptwriting-EquipmentPhoto from pexels.com 


Technological power

Do you love classic movies? For those aspiring writers who are into classic films, this is your time. There are old films that are being digitally restored.

Restoring film is a great chance for those writers who may want to study and explore on how the stories were structured back then.

Scriptwriting-Film-restoration1                      Screenshot from www.youtube.com/ABSCBNonline

The advent of unconventional stories

It is a good time to be a storyteller. There are more flexible and unconventional stories being shown now not only in television, but as well as in the movies. The advent and prosperity of different local independent film festivals are huge ways for aspiring scriptwriters who may want to explore making untraditional and extraordinary stories.

Scriptwriting-Independent-filmsMercury Is Mine (Cinemalaya 2016 – Best Screenplay) 

Audience participation

Hashtags are extremely powerful. You can use the power of hashtags not only by making a film trend online, but also by using it as an advantage to make your story or film be seen by the world.

We have seen many local films that captured the attention of the masses online. In this age, a buzz online is an important tool to catch the attention and promote a story of a film to the audience.

Heneral luna photoHeneral Luna (2015), the highest grossing Filipino historical film

Digital archive

One of the most glorious advantages of being a scriptwriter today is the birth and growth of the digital archive. Today, there are a lot of television shows as well as movies that are on the internet. Take this great opportunity to watch and study a vast amount of films that are available online, be it local or international.

In addition, you can now also visit different film museums and archive houses to expand your film viewing horizons.

Scriptwriting-Film-archivePhoto from www.facebook.com/CinemathequeMNL

With the modern power and advantage of scriptwriters, the engaging participation of the audience, plus the compelling stories waiting to be heard and seen, it is not possible to see another golden era in the history of Philippine film and television.

What are you waiting for? Take these opportunities and write more compelling stories!

What are your thoughts? Comment below!

Special thanks to Roy C. Iglesias for providing some insights about this feature.