10 Tips to Nail that Job Interview + Giveaway!

So you’ve just graduated? Congratulations, you’ve earned it! All that hard work has paid off and you’ve done your parents proud! No more school requirements, and hooray no more thesis! But when the excitement wears off, and reality sinks in, there’s not much fun in Funemployment, is there? Bumming around without an allowance doesn’t pay the bills, better wear your Adulting hat and get a job! Happy (job) hunting!

But wait…where to start? Well, before anything else, set some goals and figure out the direction you want to take. Want to save up for your first investment? Become independent? Grad school? Want to go on your first solo vacation? You name it and own it. Visualize where you want to see yourself. The right job with the right employer can be that stepping stone to your dreams and all the future possibilities that you want to explore!

Now, put your plans into action, and take the first step into the unknown! Just kidding! There are plenty of opportunities out there, and a lot of demand in the BPO industry so there’s no need to be daunted by uncertainty. Don’t hesitate to apply and don’t get discouraged by rejection, because the right one is just out there waiting for you! Believe in yourself!

When the interviews start coming, prepare yourself with a positive mindset. Interviews can be pretty nerve-racking whether you’re already deep in the working world or just fresh out of college. It’s easy to freak out about them and think they mean life or death, but don’t worry! Just remember that job interviews are designed to help you and your employers figure out how you might fit into their company. With the proper demeanor and attitude, you can easily swing a job interview to your favor. Check out our ten tips here:

1. Dress to respect

You might have the best resume and the smartest answers to every question, but your employers might already make up their minds as soon as you walk through the door. Coming in appropriate attire (no shirts, no shorts, no mini-skirts!) shows your superiors that you respect their line of work, and that you value them above your own personal aesthetic.


2. Get by with a smile

Staying energetic and enthusiastic throughout the interview will show your employers that you’re eager to learn, easy to work with, and that the stress of the interview isn’t getting the best of you. Never assume that you’ve already got the job in the bag, but keep on smiling—you’ve got plenty to be proud of!


3. Package yourself well

Edit and proofread your resume thoroughly to weed out errors and unnecessary details, and so that you end up with an honest but focused portrait of yourself. Remember that your goal isn’t to embellish; your goal is to show your employers how you can genuinely address a need that they have, and why you’re the best person to do it.


4. Always quantify

Use numbers to illustrate how much you were able to raise or save in your previous work, depending on the job you’re applying for. If you’re finding it tough to quantify your accomplishments, find a way to tie them to the bottom line—number of people affected, hours spent, etc.—to prove that your work is credible, effective, and essential.


5. Every question matters

Even when your employers ask about your hobbies or interests, take this as an opportunity to emphasize the knowledge, skills, and values you’ve gained from these activities. In fact, any question they ask is a chance for you to display your personality—and why it makes you perfect for the job. When asked for your weakness, connect it to a strength or how you’re overcoming it.


6. Be humble, but not too humble

Admit to your weaknesses in an assured manner, but always find a way to relate them back to the best of your strengths. Don’t be too clever by trying to make an obvious negative sound like a positive because being honest about your skill set will help them see how to best integrate you with the rest of the team.


7. Do your homework

Before the interview, research on your employers’ company to better understand what they’re like and how you can fit in among them. Asking additional questions will show them that you’re interested in the position.


8. ‘Yes’ or ‘No,’ not ‘Maybe’

Be sure about your answers and stick to one certain thought at a time to avoid rambling. Keeping your body language confident will help your employers connect with you, and will show them that you’ll be able to handle the pressure of the job.


9. Passion over experience

Whether or not you have work experience to flaunt, let your passion for the work and your enthusiasm about the position speak volumes. Like in #6, it’s important to let your employers know that your inexperience doesn’t get in the way of your desire to learn and to find creative solutions for them.


10. Follow through and move along

When the interview is over, keep smiling, maintain eye contact, and be grateful to your employers for giving you their time. Don’t act desperate for the job, but make sure to follow up occasionally after a few days to show sustained interest and initiative, even if you start applying to other places.


With these ten things in mind, you’ll be able to leave your mark and make an impression on your future employers. But the most important thing to take away from going through job interviews is how they help nurture your own self-confidence. So no matter what happens after the interview, keep your head held high and keep on pushing!

With these ten things in mind, you’ll be able to leave your mark and make an impression on your future employers. But the most important thing to take away from going through job interviews is how they help nurture your own self-confidence. So no matter what happens after the interview, keep your head held high and keep on pushing!

Job Interviews can be scary but did you know that applying for a job is easier nowadays? There are Over The Phone Interviews (OTP) that can land you a job. You just have to go to the office to get a Job Offer and sign a contract.

The best part is you won’t feel intimidated because this isn’t a scenario straight out of When a Stranger Calls. Forget having face to face jitters and concentrate on making a good first impression by putting your best phone persona forward! You can even rehearse your script and prepare your spiels! And if you’re looking for an opportunity with a BPO company, over the phone is really your time to shine by showing off how well-spoken you are. Literally, let your communication skills do the talking, and save the walking, for when you come in person to sign on the dotted line—go from “Hello?” to Hired!

Want to try your luck? Schedule an interview with SPi CRM here: https://bit.ly/spicrmph it’s one of the few Call Centers in the Philippines where you can do an OTP interview! At SPi CRM, you can give your career a leg up because Cultivate, Retain, and Maximize is what they do for customers and for their people. They also ensure applicants a quick and fun (read: painless) process, so don’t worry if it’s wash-day for your interview outfit, just apply and wait for the phone to ring. You’ll be on your way to your JO before you know it. So, Call Me Maybe?

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